Lucy - Captain.
- Founding member and webmaster
- Favourite movie - Dogma (1999)
- Fun fact - Modifies Furbies in her free time
Sebastian - Co-council.
- Founding member
- Favourite movie - Has never watched a movie ever.
- Fun fact - SCP Overlord
Bill - Co-council.
- Founding member
- Favourite movie - Either The Meaning of Life (1983) or The World's End (2013)
- Fun fact - The simple fact is that without massive advancement in medical technology, every single person on the planet will die, even with said advancement, the world and universe will still tend inexorably towards entropy, thus ending everyone's life regardless. This then leads to the conclusion that every action we take is ultimately pointless. Of course, this is in a way ultimately freeing, but this "fun fact" is too long already.
Bailey - Programming
- 2021 induction
- Favourite movie - The Princess Bride (1987)
- Fun fact - Is inside your walls (Webmaster's note - How?)